Are you a therapist thinking about starting a private practice? FREE resources are linked below to help you get started on your journey!

  • Spruce Health

    Spruce Health is a HIPAA compliant app for phone, text, fax, and telehealth. Iā€™d highly recommend them as a one-stop-shop to have all your HIPAA compliant communication under one roof. Click below to sign up & get 1 FULL MONTH FREE:.

  • Simple Practice: A Powerful EHR to Manage a Successful Practice!

    A complete practice management system with everything you need to manage patient records, schedule appointments, meet with patients remotely, create documentation, and bill insurance, right at your fingertips. From booking to billing, their streamlined software is accessible wherever and whenever you need it. Click below to get over $100 in credits (this could equal over 5+ months free on beginner plan)!


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